Friday, December 11, 2009

Blog #4: Reflections…..

I don’t think my general impression of the media has altered tremendously as a result of my taking Digital Media 150. What I would say though, is that my level of appreciation of it is proportionate to what I have learned.


Being bombarded by the media 24-7, it can easily be taken for granted. One can choose, as I have, to limit your exposure. In my case that means no television (at the significant (?) cost of falling out of the cultural loop), but being surrounded in an ever-growing array of formats it is impossible to escape its effects entirely. What this class has taught, or at least reminded me of, is the complexity involved in even the most mundane aspects of making media. Who knew that so much time, money and thought, in fact, entire careers went into something as mundane as font type? My limited exposure to the applications we’ve begun to explore has given me a better understanding of the work that goes into perfecting print images via Photoshop. Our initial attempts at  3-point lighting have given me an appreciation of that overlooked but ever-present aspect that touches everything we do in the media. And our foray into the world of the blog has made me aware of and personally responsible for the content one is creating. And finally, this class has reinforced that producing media, regardless of the format, is most often a collaborative process.


Here’s looking forward to Digital Media 2.


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